Last month, I had the great pleasure of performing ON THE THAMES! The wonderful team at CPBS London welcomed me, my sound engineer Alistair, and the Ultimatum rig onto their beautiful boat the Golden Sunrise. All to perform for a lovely bunch of party-goers!
It was a real adventure from start to finish - getting all the equipment onto the boat safely, setting it all up to look and sound lovely, and being ready in time for 100 gorgeous guests had us working hard from the get-go - but we made it all in plenty of time.
Here are a few photos of the day!
Point-of-view shot from behind HMS Ultimatum!
Excitedly awaiting the Golden Sunrise to pull up to the pier and a little wind swept - right next to Temple station!
Quick snap of the Ultimatum rig as the guests began to arrive!
Enjoying an absolutely stunning view of the evening London lights.