Hello again lovely Ultimators! Ben Scott here, the performer of Ultimatum writing to you directly. Today is a behind the scenes glimpse into how I went about building Ultimatum; I’ve had a lot of people asking how it all came together, so heck why don’t I just tell you?!
It all started with a phone call to my fantastic manager Iain, that went a little something along these lines.
A Phone Conversation in july 2018
Ben Scott: Hi Iain. So what do you think about an epic one-man show, where I do everything all at the same time while playing a bunch of absolute bangers and surrounded by synchronised lights show, smoke and pyrotechnics?
Iain: Erm hello Ben, yes sounds g- hold on…let me just…what??
Manager Iain more than a little pleased to be in charge of lights for the day!
Ben Scott: *lots of boring technical information, explaining how we’re now in a time where music technology is so powerful it must be harnessed and used to create things that people have never seen before*
Iain: Is this going to be like the time you said it would be a great idea If we have revolving ice-cream holders, or when you said “it’s about time people had shoe umbrellas?”
Ben Scott: Definitely not like those times I promise.
Iain: …OK let’s meet.
Everything set up and and ready to go!
And so began my month-long studio exodus to figure out how on earth to make it happen.
After an awful lot of hard graft and banging my head against a desk, it came together, and surpassed all expectations the team and I had. The following photos are from the promotional video shoot!
The brilliant photographer Adam Prosser took huge amounts of care in placing all the equipment in just the right spot.
Only part one of the load-in!